What You Need to Know About Toxins and Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant (or trying to conceive), you do your best to eat well, stay active, and take your prenatal vitamins. But what if common household items—like plastic food containers and non-stick pans—were exposing you to chemicals that could increase the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, or preterm birth?

These chemicals, known as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), can interfere with hormones and may impact pregnancy outcomes. As a pregnancy dietitian, I stay on top of the latest research, and while scientists don’t have all the answers yet, we do know that reducing exposure to certain harmful chemicals is a smart move.

Now, I’m not saying this to scare you! It’s impossible to remove all toxins from your life—but staying informed and making a few simple swaps can go a long way in protecting your health and your baby’s development. My family has made these small changes in our home, and I know they can help you, too!

5 Easy Ways to Reduce EDC Exposure Before & During Pregnancy

Switch out plastic containers and cups for glass or stainless steel.
Plastic can leach harmful chemicals like BPA and phthalates, especially when heated. Never reheat food in plastic containers! Instead, use glass or stainless steel for safer food storage (bonus: they’re better for the planet, too! 🌍).

Swap plastic cookware for wooden or metal utensils.
Plastic utensils can break down over time, releasing tiny particles and chemicals into your food. Wooden or metal options are more durable, safer, and just as easy to use.

Filter your tap water.
Tap water may contain traces of chemicals like chlorine, lead, and even pesticides. A simple water filter can help remove these toxins, ensuring you and your baby stay hydrated and healthy.

Ditch non-stick pans for cast iron, ceramic, or stainless steel.
Non-stick coatings (like Teflon) can release toxic fumes when overheated. Safer options like cast iron, ceramic, or stainless steel are non-toxic, long-lasting, and perfect for cooking up nutrient-rich meals.

Skip synthetic fragrances—opt for essential oils instead.
Many scented candles, air fresheners, and perfumes contain phthalates, which are known endocrine disruptors. Instead, choose natural essential oils (like lavender or eucalyptus) to keep your home smelling fresh without harmful chemicals.

Want Expert Guidance for a Healthier Pregnancy?

Feeling overwhelmed by all the advice out there? You don’t have to figure it out alone! In my Baby Blueprint Program, I’ll help you create a personalized plan to support your fertility, optimize your pregnancy nutrition, and give your baby the best possible start.



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